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CXO Media Campus Conferences
CIO Pakistan Campus Conversations was a groundbreaking initiative that brought together industry professionals, faculty members, and students from universities across Pakistan. The first CIO Campus Conversation took place on March 17th, 2010, marking the beginning of a nationwide effort to bridge the gap between the industry and academia.
CIO Campus Conversations ran for four years, from 2010 to 2014, with three or four iterations across 40 to 50 universities across Pakistan. After a hiatus, the program makes a comeback in 2025 as part of the DXO Directions program roster, rebranded as CXO Media Campus Conferences. The revamped program has evolved from conversations to conferences, featuring more intense discussions on the latest tech, recruitment drives and academia-industry gap. Students and peers will have the opportunity to hear from industry leaders running IT departments, software houses exporting and building products in Pakistan, as well as other experts from the technology diaspora. As the program comes full circle, we hope that CXO Media Campus Conferences will become a staple event that continues for as long as the brand exists.